X-rays from Mass Loaded Supernova Remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud

S. J. Arthur & W. J. Henney, IA-UNAM

Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal


Observations of H{\sc ii} complexes surrounding OB associations in the Large Magellanic Cloud have revealed x-ray luminosities that cannot be explained by stellar winds alone, nor by supernova remnants (SNR) evolving inside stellar wind bubbles. In neither case would there be enough matter inside the bubbles to produce the observed flux. We propose a model in which a SNR evolves inside an extremely diffuse stellar wind bubble (formed by the OB association stars), but the density in the SNR is augmented by hydrodynamic ablation of cool, dense clumps by the post blast wave SNR flow. We present hydrodynamic calculations, including a non-equilibrium treatment of the ionisation and cooling, of the evolution of such mass loaded SNRs. We show that the models naturally explain many of the properties of the observed diffuse x-rays. In particular, we find close quantitative agreement between one of our models and observed parameters of N51D.

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  • Will Henney