Emacs Wiki Format

Random notes on my experiences in turning my READMEs into wiki format (30 Oct 2004). Demonstration of some of these problems can be found in EmacsWikiTestbed. Out-of-date stuff on my first impressions in EmacsWikiOld.

  1. Have to be careful with # characters: if something like `#51' appears at the beginning of a line then it gets converted into a link anchor and is invisible in the HTML output. Workaround is to indent by one space.
  2. If you have a multiparagraph item in a list, then the paragraphs after the first don't get included in the list but get typeset as quotations. No workaround yet - just have to avoid them. What is worse, subsequent list items then start a new sequence of numbers :(

Like this... Presumably, this could be fixed by finessing the regexps of emacs-wiki-publishing-markup, which are defined in emacs-wiki-publish.el. Looks difficult though. Actually, looks like it is the function emacs-wiki-markup-list-or-paragraph that needs modifying, which looks even hairier.

  1. Anything indented by more than 5 spaces gets centered. This not usually what I want. Only solution is to not indent excessively with nested lists.
  2. The "contents" tag only seems to work with h2 and h3 headers - anything lower gets ignored.
  3. When I put in links with the double-square-bracket notation, then the fontification hides the link part and only shows the text part, which makes it very difficult to edit the link part.
    <nop>[[MyLink][text description of my link]]
  4. On he other hand if the text part spans more than one line then it doesn't get converted at all when published.
    <nop>[[<nop>MyLink][text description of 
    my link]] 

10 Nov 2004

Some more problems.

  1. Fontification gone mad. Frequently non-wiki buffers get fontified as though they were part of the Wiki. Cycling font-lock-mode on and off sorts this out, but it is rather annoying.
  2. The fontification doesn't work very well with multiline markup elements. E.g., with
         pressure.PresTotlInit = pressure.PresTotlCurr;
    then the camelcase words get fontified as if they were wikiwords. This gets sorted if I refontify the buffer but the problem comes back if I edit an individual line.